Relax seeing the fishes swimming with peaceful underwater sounds for studying.
Turion Development
City Road,
Customer Service
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 25TH March 2024
Able to provide a realistic submarine scenery: 25TH March 2024
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 25TH March 2024:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 10
Uniqueness: 2 / 5
The App is intended for studying. You could use it to concentrate or relax.
There is a pomodoro gamified system of points. As time goes by, more points will be added and the points will be automatically exchanged for fishes.
Additionally, if you accomplish study goals, you could touch the screen to add additional points.
The fishes are designed to have a realistic behaviour:
• Where they swim
• Realistic lifespans
• Wether they are solitary or could appear in groups
• A real location is set, and only fishes present there will appear
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 11TH December 2023
Able to identify the most likely eyes color of a face with eyes closed: 11TH December 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 11TH December 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 19
Uniqueness: 5 / 5
The application performs a Synonymous versus Nonsynonymous (Futuyma & Kirkpatrick, 2017, "Evolution") analysis of genetically determined traits, and provides the most likely Eye color of the face shown in the image.
This tool is still under development and the results can be highly variable, so if you want to get a reliable result you will have to perform the calculation with multiple photos taken with different expressions.
On the other hand, the application also indicates whether it is a real face or a fake or manipulated face. However, it is not adept at detecting artistic faces or AI-generated images.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 05TH December 2023
Able to provide Santa Claus tracking and Gift Guessing: 05TH December 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 05TH December 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 626
229@US // 128@UK
Uniqueness: 4 / 5
The routes may seem weird but that's because they are the most realistic.
It is not a straightforward route from East to West because people in different countries receive the Gifts at different hours, even at different days!
The App includes a Gift Guessing tool; it have a real functionality, it does not give just a random result. We used algorithms from our other Apps to create this function, mainly the Countrynator algorithm.
You upload a photo taken from afar of the Christmas Tree, the Fireplace, a Gift, etc. and the App makes a prediction about what the Gifts will be, or what is inside the Gift wrapping.
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This App was made during one long night connected with the North Pole, in a blue twilight, with the sounds of the Arctic Outpost Radio.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 03TH November 2023
Able to calculate flexible food ration sheets for survival situations: 03TH November 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 03TH November 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 29
Uniqueness: 3 / 5
Food rationing calculator with a minimalistic design and special settings useful in case of a survival situation, based on our unique statistical calculation system.
Special features of the calculator:
=> You can configure how much perishable and non-perishable food you have.
=> You can indicate whether you need to stockpile more strength in the first or last days.
=> You can allocate more or less rations for certain people.
For all these reasons we have considered that this application has a unique functionality and for this reason we have decided to develop it and make it available to everyone who needs it.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 07TH July 2023
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 64
15@Poland // 12@Spain
MAX+ version with additional functions. It consumes more resources than the free version but allows using up to 80 parties and displaying the sum of all constituencies.
The application will be available during elections in different countries at the request of users.
Elections in Spain: July 23, 2023
Elections in Argentina and Switzerland: October 22, 2023
>>>>>up to 80 parties
>>>>>sum of all constituencies
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 03TH May 2023
Able to perform electoral calculations and sort the congress by ideology: 03TH May 2023
This App is the #1 worldwide reference in electoral calculation from May 2023.
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 03TH May 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 45'182
5K@Türkiye // 5K@Barat // 4K@Spain
4K@Brazil // 3K@Poland // 2K@Russia
2K@Italy // 1K@S.Korea // 1K@Taiwan
Uniqueness: 3 / 5
Basic Electoral Simulator that allows you to calculate the seats of each political party in a constituency by entering the number of votes of each party (not the US electoral system).
The list of results is sorted by the parties that have obtained the most seats, but the plotting of the congress is sorted by ideology (you configure it on a scale when you create the party). There is also a central line that allows you to see where the absolute majority is.
If you click on the title you can see the information of one of the chambers of deputies that has the same number of seats that you are using (this way you can see the electoral barrier percentage if you don't know it). This functionality is designed for Spain, so if you use it from another country it will probably not show anything.
Finally we have added an animation of a starling flying, because of our YouTube channel, "Smart Sturnus", which will fly and disappear when you press Save so that you remember that you have already saved.
iOS edition to be announced.~ 75% completed
Does it need WiFi connection: YES
Released: 05TH April 2023
Able to provide a virtual traveling experience: 05TH April 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 05TH April 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 54
Uniqueness: 4 / 5
Take a relaxing virtual immersive Journey to diferent places of the world, just as Jules Verne did, from home!
Open the App,
____Select your destination
________Turn ON the webcams you prefer
____________Play a local folklore radio
________________See the sites of interest you can visit in the list below, select one and hear a local guide talking to you about that place (it's completely customized, with different speeches based on different hours and days)
_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_Aditionally, it is designed to be used in conjunction with a computer to see pics of those sites of interest while using the App, or you can just relax hearing the local radio or seeing a webcam.
NOTE: If you think that the background color has changed slightly, don't worry, it is not you, it is the dynamics of the App.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 17TH February 2023
Able to identify water bodies and its features: 17TH February 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 17TH February 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 12
Uniqueness: 5 / 5
The application can classify between different types of water bodies.
From this classification it will launch different approximations in relation to the surface area, depth, seasonal regularity...
These are approximate estimates generated by algorithms based on convolutional networks; they are not reliable data but mere approximations, but they are indicated anyway as a guide, to be able to see the traceability of what the artificial intelligence is trying to interpret (it is more a curiosity than a reliable indication, it will never be able to predict excessively large depths or surfaces).
On the other hand, the application will give you very interesting information regarding the different water forms and how to interpret their "behavior".
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 12TH February 2023
Able to predict the weather with cloud patterns: 12TH February 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 12TH February 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 67
Uniqueness: 5 / 5
The application is able to make a forecast of the weather phenomena that will happen in the next 2-3 hours based on a photo of the sky (it is advisable to take several in the direction the wind is coming from). It is also capable of detecting air pollution when smog is present during a clear day.
In addition, the app will give you interesting information related to weather knowledge.
This is a tool designed for use when there is no internet/satellite connection, which can predict for example if it will rain soon or if certain clouds will produce a heavy storm in the short term.
This is not a precision instrument but a tool to be used in a survival situation, which in case of total disconnection can be useful if you lack knowledge of meteorological interpretation.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 05TH January 2023
This LLM app was released on the Play Store 36 days after the release of the web-based ChatGPT and 399 days before the launch of the ChatGPT App on the Play Store.
Able to generate texts in Jules Verne writing style: 05TH January 2023
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 05TH January 2023:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 40
Uniqueness: 3 / 5
Before downloading: APP SIZE IS 500MB.- recommended for Android 14 or above.
Generate funny narratives with Verne AI.
1. Select a Jules Verne novel and enter a text to start with.
2. Press "Create Story" and the application will generate a text based on the novel starting with the words you have indicated.
3. Then you can continue it by clicking on "Continue Story" with the different texts you enter, being able to mix different books and modes.
You will get better results if you use words that appear in the novel you have selected. However, Verne, the application's AI will frequently ramble and come up with funny and wacky narratives.
If you activate the "Shivering" mode, Verne will repeat himself over and over again, unable to speak, shivering with cold, saying things that usually already appear in the novel itself.
If you activate the "Delirium" mode, Verne will start rambling (more than usual) affected by a heat stroke and may say really absurd things and nonsense words.
If you activate both modes at the same time, Verne will go into what we call "Omnibus" mode, and can be witty, inspiring, skillful..., but may simply end up saying even stranger things than in "Delirium" mode.
On special dates or at certain hours, new modes may appear in the app, so you can test Verne to it's strangest side.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 08TH November 2022
Able to
identify 8 different types of skin blemishes:
08TH November 2022
In 2023 this App participated in a study about
dermatology-related mobile apps with artificial intelligence (AI) features
conducted by a research team from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Stanford University, Washington University in St. Louis, New York University, and University of California.
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 08TH November 2022:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
120 (including
Google Lens, which includes this function as from June 2023, after numerous conversations with the Google team which classified this app as deceptive)
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 865
Uniqueness: 4 / 5
More than 600 hours of processing time invested in training and improving the neural networks.
Identify different types of benign & malignant spots in the skin, just by taking a photo or uploading an image (ATTENTION: THIS IS NOT THE RECOMMENDED WAY TO IDENTIFY A TYPE OF BLEMISH, CONSULT A CERTIFIED DERMATOLOGIST FOR A RELIABLE DIAGNOSIS).
If you decide to use this app, it is highly recommended to load a photo made with a dermatoscope as regular pictures don't show small details (THIS APP IS NOT FOR USING "YOUR SMARTPHONE AS A DERMATOSCOPE", THE DERMATOSCOPE IS AN EXTERNAL PROFFESSIONAL TOOL YOU COULD USE TO OBTAIN HIGH QUALITY IMAGES).
Resulting validation general accuracy: 70.5% (note that a random result will obtain 12.5% accuracy; in a basic Melanoma-Not Melanoma model it's 50.0%, which is not the case).
Also the model was trained with 5 instead of 1 different detail levels, reducing the bias but resulting in less validation accuracy.
As this is a skin cancer identification App that uses the usual repositories used in most applications of this type, THIS APP SHALL BE FREE, as it is not allowed to monetize the use of this data as stated in such repositories.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 07TH November 2022
Able to
know most likely birds in a given scenery: 07TH November 2022
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 07TH November 2022:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 17
Uniqueness: 4 / 5
This tool will help you in comparative environmental analysis, to evaluate sea level rise, in the elaboration of bird lists with eBird, or to know the behavior of birds and their adaptation to the environment.
>> Learn which natural area may be most suitable for a particular wader species by photographing different landscapes and seeing where that species appears with the highest percentage.
>> Which place is most likely to have invasive (exotic) species, by photographing different places and seeing where they are most likely to appear.
>> What kind of herons will be on the photographed coast in different months of the year, by taking a photo and then changing the date.
Simply take a photo of a beach, an islet, a palm tree, the ocean, a boat, buildings, etc. The application will show you which birds you are most likely to find there, you can also change the date to the time you want to analyze.
Species included (61): ALL
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Common Snipe, Brown Shrike, Northern Pintail, Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Common Greenshank, Common Redshank, Yellow Bittern, Black Bittern, Common Rosefinch, European Roller, Garganey, Lesser Crested Tern, White Tern, Common Tern, Black-naped Tern, Great Crested Tern, Roseate Tern, Saunders's Tern, Common Ringed Plover, Lesser Sand-Plover, Greater Sand-Plover, Pacific Golden-Plover, Little Cormorant, Temminck's Stint, Little Stint, Sanderling, Curlew Sandpiper, Northern Shoveler, House Crow, Rosy Starling, White-winged Tern, Whiskered Tern, Watercock, White-breasted Waterhen, Little Egret, Western Reef-Heron, Great Egret, Striated Heron, Cattle Egret, Indian Pond-Heron, Gray Heron, Sooty Gull, Barn Swallow, Asian Koel, Brahminy Kite, Black Kite, Common Myna, Flesh-footed Shearwater, Tropical Shearwater, Masked Booby, Red-footed Booby, Lesser Frigatebird, White-tailed Tropicbird, Brown Noddy, Lesser Noddy, Ruddy Turnstone, Eurasian Curlew, Whimbrel
To be added (0):
All possible species are included in the app (even exotic ones)!
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 26TH October 2022
Able to
know most likely birds in a given scenery: 26TH October 2022
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 26TH October 2022:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 25
Uniqueness: 5 / 5
This tool will help you in comparative environmental analyses, to evaluate recent thaws, in the elaboration of bird lists with eBird if you are a researcher of Antarctic birds, or to know the behavior and adaptation of birds to climate change.
>> Learn which natural area may be most suitable for a particular penguin species by photographing different glaciers and seeing where that species appears with the highest percentage.
>> What kind of albatrosses and gulls will be on the photographed coast in different months of the year by taking a photo and then changing the date.
Just take a picture of a rocky area, glaciers, the ocean, etc. The application will show you which birds you are most likely to find there, you will only have to indicate the geographical area (according to the map) and change the date if you want.
Species included (48):
Brown Skua, Kelp Gull, Antarctic Tern, Emperor Penguin, Northern Giant Petrel, Sooty Albatross, Salvin's Albatross, Southern Royal Albatross, Arctic Tern, South Georgia Shag, White-rumped Sandpiper, Baird's Sandpiper, Cattle Egret, Sabine's Gull, Barn Swallow, Austral Negrito, Chilean Skua, South Polar Skua, Pomarine Jaeger, Black-bellied Storm Petrel, White-chinned Petrel, Sooty Shearwater, Blue Petrel, Kerguelen Petrel, Mottled Petrel, Soft-plumaged Petrel, Snowy Sheathbill, Royal Penguin, King Penguin, Southern Rockhopper Penguin, Common Diving Petrel, Slender-billed Prion, Adélie Penguin, Gentoo Penguin, Chinstrap Penguin, Macaroni Penguin, Grey-headed Albatross, Black-browed Albatross, Light-mantled Albatross, Wandering Albatross, Wilson's Storm Petrel, Southern Giant Petrel, Southern Fulmar, Antarctic Petrel, Cape Petrel, Snow Petrel, Antarctic Prion, Antarctic Shag
Species to be added (0): All Species are now Available!
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 16TH August 2022
Able to
know what country the landscape most closely resembles:
16TH August 2022
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 16TH August 2022:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 99
16@Spain // 14@Türkiye
Uniqueness: 5 / 5
This AI (Jules Verne) knows everything about geography, you just need to load a landscape picture and he will tell you in which country you are most likely to find it!
If Verne decides to give your pic more than 95% probabilities of resembling a country, you will obtain that country badge. Verne will guess between 46 different countries. Collect them All!
Learn about world countries and their flags and also about how they look like by pic-hunting.
Verne will also show you interesting Jules Verne Quotes from the novels.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 28TH February 2022
Able to
know most likely birds in a given scenery:
28TH February 2022
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 28TH February 2022:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 48
Uniqueness: 5 / 5
This tool will help you in comparative environmental analysis, evaluation of natural disasters, studies of renewable energy implementation, in the elaboration of bird lists with eBird, and to know the behavior of birds and their adaptation to the environment.
>> Know which natural area may be most suitable for a particular bird species by photographing different landscapes and seeing where that species appears with the highest percentage.
>> Which crop field is most likely to be attacked by corvids, by photographing different fields and seeing where the crow is most likely to appear.
>> What type of birds will be in the photographed place at different times of the year, taking a picture of a landscape and then changing the date.
Just take a photo of an area with trees, bushes, crop fields, a pond, mountains, buildings, etc. The application will show you which birds you are most likely to find there, you only have to indicate the geographical area (province), change the date if you want, and indicate if it was windy.
Autonomous Communities with improved results by Province:
Species included (39 of the 400 possible):
Common Hoopoe, Common Lark, Mallard, White Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Rock Pigeon, Common Skylark, Common Reed Warbler, Common Teal, Common Kestrel, Tree Sparrow, Crested Lark, Carrion Crow, Common Cuckoo, Common Raven, Black Starling, Great Egret, Common Crane, Eurasian Blue Tit, European Goldfinch, Western Marsh Harrier, Common Blackbird, Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Pallid Harrier, Reed Bunting, Pied Flycatcher, Red-legged Partridge, European Robin, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Common Chaffinch, Iberian Green Woodpecker, Meadow Pipit, Common Nightingale, European Stonechat, White-headed Duck, Stock Dove, Common Reed Bunting, Eurasian Collared Dove, Eurasian Magpie.
Does it need WiFi connection: NO
Released: 06TH February 2022
Able to
know if apples are damaged or overripe:
13TH April 2022
Estimated number of Apps able to do that function before 13TH April 2022:
Estimated number as of July 2024:
Number of downloads as of July 2024: 85
35@Peru // 15@Spain
Uniqueness: 2 / 5
Obtain a prediction of what type of vegetable appears in the image.
Using neural networks, a model has been created that allows a prediction to be made from among eight categories of vegetables:
Kiwis, Lemons, Golden Apples, Oranges, Pears, Bananas, Tomatoes, Carrots.
In addition, a checklist of vegetable quality ratings can be saved. In particular, you can select which vegetables have been tested and what their quality grade was with a rating system from 0 to 3 stars.
New: For apples the application suggests a quality grade and tells if they are damaged or overdone.
The next updates of the application will consist of a transformation of the App to make possible the evaluation with a photograph of the visual quality grade of the vegetables (if they are buckled, with dirt, in bad condition, etc.).
Application initially developed as part of the Final Degree Project "Automatic Pattern Recognition in Mobile Devices", Polytechnic University School of Teruel, University of Zaragoza.